Certified Ethical Hacker Certification and Why it's Important for General Security Professionals


Why Should You Get a C.E.H Certification?

As cyberattacks and cybercrimes become more prevalent, cybersecurity becomes increasingly important. Ethical hacking is a critical component of cybersecurity. Malicious hackers can cause the destruction and exploitation of networks, hardware, and software systems worldwide. However, licensed ethical hackers perform the same work as black hat hackers while still adhering to legal standards to improve businesses and industries.

For this reason, Certified Ethical Hackers are in high demand. Earning CEH IT training can lead to high salaries, job security, and more. Ethical hackers use their technical skills to search for system vulnerabilities to defend computer systems from attackers. The CEH certification is an ethical hacking course that teaches students how to become skilled professional ethical hackers that verify and identify weak points in network infrastructures with the system owner’s consent.

What is the C.E.H. and How Does it Help Protect Organizations?

  With businesses increasingly turning to technology to store data and grow their market share, the number of hackers has skyrocketed. This has prompted the EC Council to put forward ethical hacking as a concept. Ethical hacking protects computer and network systems from cyber criminals. Some of the benefits of investing in employee ethical hacking include:

-Protecting your business: Your business is susceptible to cyber-attacks and you need trained and certified employees that can think like hackers to protect your assets from hackers. Your certified employees will perform tasks like hackers to identify weak areas that can be used to breach your computer systems. CEH-certified employees are permitted to hack into an organization’s network to perform essential tests that are meant to protect it from illegal hacking.

-Making the transition to the cloud easier: More and more businesses are transitioning to the cloud and this has led to increased levels of threats. In order to reap the full benefits of the cloud, you will need experienced ethical hackers. Due to the fast-growing IT world and complex security requirements, hacking techniques are always evolving and only CEH-certified employees can help you overcome this challenge.

-Penetrative testing knowledge: Also referred to as pen testing, employees with this knowledge will help identify system vulnerabilities that hackers can use to attack your systems. There are different penetrative testing methods that your employees will learn including targeted testing, external testing penetration of all external systems such as DNS and web servers, internal testing, and blind testing which simulate actual attacks from hackers.

-Preparing your business for a real attack: Cyber-attacks are inevitable regardless of how fortified your computer systems are. Eventually, a hacker will find vulnerabilities and attack your computer assets. 

However, this doesn’t mean that you should stop bolstering your security systems. Because cyberattacks have always been evolving, the only way to minimize or prevent attacks is by being well-prepared. One of the best ways to be prepared against potential attacks is by allowing your CEH-certified ethical hackers to identify vulnerabilities beforehand.

-Equipping your employees with real hacking tools: Regardless of how curious your employees may be, they may not be able to identify the right hacking tools without formal in-depth training that is needed to use the complex hacking tools. However, through the CEH certification, they will learn how to use these tools themselves. The official CEH certification has access to 140 labs and over 2,000 hacking tools available for use.


It is important to have CEH-certified employees in order to protect your computer and network systems, as well as customers' data. To make sure that your employees are receiving the best training possible

Now enrolling for the CCS Learning Academy Certified Ethical Hacker CEH Training! Get earlier in the competition and have a look at the abilities you need to be a cybersecurity analyst today. Enroll now and attain a 10% discount.

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